Saturday 29 March 2008

Buddha Mind & The Kingdom Of God

Buddha Mind & The Kingdom Of God
Course Leader: Dechen Pende & Andrew Morris
Date: Jul 23, 2008 - Jul 28, 2008
Course Fee: £325 Single Room, £263 Twin each, £225 Dorm. All inclusive. Concessions available.
Following on from last year's successful retreat, this one will explore the links between ritual and contemplative practices in the Buddhist and Christian traditions. The facilitators will provide a safe space for participants to share insights from their own spiritual experience.We will share different forms of worship, prayer and meditation. We will also look at how not engaging with mental distraction can relate to a positive engagement with the suffering world beyond the meditation cushion. This course is suitable both for people who came last year and those who did not.
Dechen Pende (Stuart Reid), a Tibetan Buddhist monk, is an experienced Tibetan Buddhist practitioner and Andrew Morros is an experienced workshop leader and lay member of the Orthodox Church.

Thursday 13 March 2008


The Buddhist Christian Network was formed in 1999 by Elizabeth West. The aim of the network is to provide a link between the many people who are interested in the teaching and practice of meditation as taught in Buddhism and Christianity. There are many Christians seeking to understand the contemplative dimension of the spiritual journey more fully by using Buddhist teachings. Others who have embraced Buddhism still have an interest in their Christian roots.

Many people today find difficulty in joining any particular institution, but feel the need to share the journey with link minded people who are serious about spiritual practice.

Above all the network seeks to foster and promote friendship and a growing relationship of trust between sincere practitioners of both these great traditions; in fact anyone on a serious spiritual path is welcome to join. Buddhist-Christian dialogue is well advanced and takes many forms. Inter-monastic dialogue and exchanges have been going for many years. Theological and philosophical dialogue is also very common. The Network seeks to put people in touch with resources of all types and to provide links with other organisations and local groups that are available.

Although the main focus is on Buddhism and Christianity, it welcomes anyone interested in the contemplative journey through links with other traditions as well. It has close links with the Bede Griffiths Sangha, The World Community for Christian Meditation, the Awakened Heart Sangha and the International Satsang Association. The Network publishes a Newsletter and holds seminars & workshops. The Network welcomes everyone who is drawn towards a wider view of religion.