Sunday 16 November 2008

The Effects of the new Cosmology on Spiritual Life and Practice

Dates: 20-22 March 2009
Led by Sister Ishpriya, RSCJ

As a spiritual guide and clear-headed thinker, Sister Ishpriya is second to none. She has a remarkable gift of presenting ordinary, everyday events in a startling way that makes you sit up and wonder why you had not noticed this before.

Not only is she well worth hearing then, but she is also a joyful and challenging presenter. Maybe it’s because she is so good at reading “the signs of the times” that she can see the need to understand our place in a rapidly changing universe, and to take the urgent action being called for today. All this seemingly arises naturally from calmly reflecting in stillness and meditation. Or, as she prefers to put it, “mystics are mostly recognised by the courage of their choices and the strength of their decisions which releases the wisdom for action”.

Full details of this weekend are now available on the events page.

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